"An All India Major Voluntary Organization for the welfare of weaker Sections of the Society"
The Service of poors, helpless and weaker sections is the true service of God. “If you want to see God then go to the huts and mud made houses of poor people where you may see and find the actual image of God there who is present everywhere, in every practical, in everybody’s heart and almighty”. These words of Viyogi Hari a well Known Writer, Poet and Gandhian Thinker are impressionable and emotional for every body.
Keeping in view the above Aims and objectives and inspired with above
thoughts Great Freedom Fighter, Folk Singer (Lok Gayak) and Lok Gayak of Brij Mandal Pandit Teeka Ram and his younger brother Param Hans Swami Girvar Dass a well known Saint, Freedom Fighter, Bachelor, time viewer (Yug Drastha) established SAMAJ SEWA SANGH with the help of his followers and disciples for the services, help and welfare of SC, ST, Hill peoples, Weaker, poors and helpless peoples of the society. Sant Girvarvar Das was whole hearted committed for Service of poor and needy people every time and give them full moral support to solve their daily problems of life.
In 1970 Samaj Sewa Sangh to start its activities on all India basis and opened its branched in other states in the field of social welfare. In this way Samaj Sewa Sangh opened its activities in Brahm Puri, Delhi and khichiwal in Rajsthan. In Brahm Puri Samaj Sewa sangh established and started a Primary School named Vishwa Bharti Shishu Niketan, Nursery Schools (Bal Badies) for imparting and providing education to poor parent’s children.

Samaj Sewa Sangh established its first welfare centre at Susain (Uncha Gaon), Rasmai in District Mathura in Uttar Pradesh in which children of poor
parents impart pre-primary and moral education, and imparted training of cutting and tailoring to the village girls. Social workers and teachers of Samaj Sewa Sangh taught and aware them towards health, sanitation in daily life and arrangement of nutrition for poor parents children. The Social Workers and teachers of Samaj Sewa Sangh is also aware them towards some general disease due to lack awareness towards cleanliness and sanitation. Sant Girvar Das himself help the children in this work of cleanliness and sanitation. He taught them and ware their parents about health, sanitation, cleanliness and use of toilets in their houses at that time. He told and explained the importance of sanitation, cleanliness, hygiene,
moral education, discipline and payer of God in daily life and motivated the children, girls and their parents to do so. In this centre Pre-School education also provided to the children. To trained and make self dependent in life and make their good place in social life Samaj Sewa Sangh established a cutting and tailoring, embroidery, spinning on country made wheel, weaving, Papad making and pickle making training centre for girls and ladies named Bala Sevi Shilp Kala Kendra after the name of Smt. Bala Devi (Smt. Satoj Bala) who donated her ornaments worth of Rs. 19,642/- at that time for established this training centre for purchasing machine, furniture and other infrastructure.
Special Features:
- Samaj Sewa Sangh is registered under Income Tax Act U/s 80-G. for mobilizing fund in the shape of donation. The Donation given to Samaj Sewa Sangh will be exempted from tax.
- Samaj Sewa Sangh is also registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation act 1976. Samaj Sewa Sangh can get foreign donations. F.C.R(A). No. of the society is 231650810.