Vishwa Bharti School for SC Students
This program run by organization with the help of Government of india Ministry of social justice

Samaj Sewa Sangh is running a middle level day school for SC students at -69/10, Gali No. 16, Brahm Puri, Delhi-53. The students who passed out from our Nursery classes to get admission in this school. This school is recognized by the Directorate of education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi from 1st to 8th class.
The parents who are unable to admit their wards in public schools due to lack of funds they may admitted their children in this recognized English medium School. The school provides free study material, such as pen, pencil, copy etc., mid day meal, school uniform both for winter and summer season, books and stationery, medical facilities by qualified Doctor, recreation and indoor and
outdoor sports & games facilities to the Scheduled Caste students who are studying in this school. This programme is aided by Govt. of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. During the year 2023-2024. 200 SC students has benefited from this school.